Wednesday, March 29, 2006

D-Company Mega Battle 2006

The scenarios are posted on out forum
The Horus Heresy assault on Holy Terra's Moon.
Once the moon falls only Terra and the Emperor remain.
Chaos vs Imperials in an all out slug fest.
D-Company the Drinking group that Games!

OK this is it 23 Feet of Table by 6 Feet with a City Section in the Back Let's Get to it. Mega Battle time D-Sytle!

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The City Walls of Holy Terra's Moon

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Great tench

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Pete hand made the trench system

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This is the Exterior of the Harbringer!

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The Side Battle to Destroy the Shield Generator ( Middle)

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The city behind the walls

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City Terrain

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City Generator

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How do you make sure realistic bones you ask?? Eat a goose and use real ones thats how!

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The Imperial Armored Company ( only $900 ) We had more Blah!

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Blood Angels and Space Wovlves Guarding the Enterance

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Kevin's Blood Angels Set up

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Not that you would notice the Imperials had a lot of Land Raiders we took 1 ( what where we thinking!)

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The Imerials Right Flank with DA and BA Armor

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Nice Banner AJ is Ready!

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AJ's Dark Angels

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Part of What awaits Chaos if they breech the doors

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A View from Space Wof Cheese Servitor that Keeps Troops from Infiltrating

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Can we say $1500 in Tanks boys and girls?

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You just pooped yourself didn't you come on admit it

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